Monday 26th May, 2008
After a near-300 mile trip from Hampshire and a night at the Forton Travelodge on the M6 we started extremely early from Clapham to take a trip down Gaping Gill, Britain's largest natural cavern, courtesy of The Bradford Pothole Club. Two years previously at August Bank Holiday I'd been denied (queue 5 hours at 11am, sold out as we arrived at 12pm) so wasn't taking any chances this time. Arriving at the entrance at 9am we were delighted to be told we could go straight down.
And then...Ingleborough
After reaching the depths it was only appropriate we then went on to scale the heights. Being already halfway up the 2,373 ft Ingleborough it would have been rude not to go the rest of the way. The sun was out and the visibility fantastic, however the strong wind was somewhat at odds with these. North-easterly (the reverse of usual) it frequently gusted to what must have been 70mph. Our route meant we were walking just about face-on to it and it was hard, exhaling was impossible without turning your head away from it or looking down.
The final push for the top.
Danny demonstrating the strength of the wind:
The views from the top made it all worthwhile however, the best I'd seen up there in years. It was well worth hanging around for a while to take it all in (though not too long as there was a sausage butty waiting in Clapham with my name on it!)
"Smile!" Jenn with Chapel-le-Dale and Whernside in the background.
The video of the breezy Ingleborough ascent:
The video of the breezy Ingleborough ascent: