Monday 30 June 2008

Gaping Gill

Climbing up Trow Gill on the way to Gaping Gill

Monday 26th May, 2008

After a near-300 mile trip from Hampshire and a night at the Forton Travelodge on the M6 we started extremely early from Clapham to take a trip down Gaping Gill, Britain's largest natural cavern, courtesy of The Bradford Pothole Club. Two years previously at August Bank Holiday I'd been denied (queue 5 hours at 11am, sold out as we arrived at 12pm) so wasn't taking any chances this time. Arriving at the entrance at 9am we were delighted to be told we could go straight down.

Bradford Pothole Club's field HQ

Scaffold & winch

Helmets were compulsory, optional were green waterproof coveralls (and the source of much merriment). Being winched down the almost 400ft to the bottom in a chair was a strangely serene experience.

It's what they're all wearing this year...

Which teletubby?

Jo contemplates her fate

Looking into the abyss.

Janie and Simone looking blurry

Photography was difficuly without a tripod, the ones in which a flash was used weren't too bad.

Gaping Gill video:

And then...Ingleborough
After reaching the depths it was only appropriate we then went on to scale the heights. Being already halfway up the 2,373 ft Ingleborough it would have been rude not to go the rest of the way. The sun was out and the visibility fantastic, however the strong wind was somewhat at odds with these. North-easterly (the reverse of usual) it frequently gusted to what must have been 70mph. Our route meant we were walking just about face-on to it and it was hard, exhaling was impossible without turning your head away from it or looking down.

The Gaping Gill camp viewed from on high.

A hair-raising experience on Little Ingleborough.

The final push for the top.

Danny demonstrating the strength of the wind:

The top!

Hug the trig point!

The views from the top made it all worthwhile however, the best I'd seen up there in years. It was well worth hanging around for a while to take it all in (though not too long as there was a sausage butty waiting in Clapham with my name on it!)

Behind this shelter you almost forgot the near-hurricane it was protecting you from.

"Smile!" Jenn with Chapel-le-Dale and Whernside in the background.

The video of the breezy Ingleborough ascent:

Friday 27 June 2008

Return Of The Killer Sheep

Stanbury viewed across Lower Laithe Reservoir

The beginning of April saw us renew acquaintance with the somewhat aggressive and pestering sheep of Top Withens. This was a linear walk from Haworth to Hebden Bridge, 10 miles out and a bus ride back.

Bronte Bridge

One of Santa's little elves enjoys a brew

Lunch stop at Top Withens. It didn't take long...

They start scrounging young round here...

Coming at us from all directions!

"Go on! Gis a bit..."


Jo obliges

Feeding Time - the video:

Walshaw Reservoir

Distant Stoodley Pike

Looking down Hebden Dale

Descending towards Calderdale

Gibson Mill

Been one of those kinda days...

Love the hat-line

Gibson Mill's muddy-boot eco-cafe.

We thought we were going to be too late for the bus back to Haworth and have to wait an hour. But as luck would have it, the bus route out of Hebden Bridge was on our route in - and we were just in time!

Going back on the bus to Haworth over Cock Hill Moor:

Final Statistics.

Evening. Neil forgets that you don't give Rod short measures..! (Especially if it's Timothy Taylor's)